Life Insurance
Life Insurance Individuals
Two cooperative powers, the Cooperative Bank of Cyprus and the Cooperative Insurance Company, cooperate for your benefit and offer you insurance plans tailored to you.
Plan 1: "Life Investment"
At the Cooperative Bank of Epirus, we pay great attention to the future and the quality of your life. For this reason, we take care of your savings.
For our children:
By depositing a minimum amount once per year or every month, either you or any of your relatives, a savings fund is gradually “built”, which will be able to “cover” the future needs of your children, such as going to college or starting a business.
For you:
Start today, with low payments in order to gradually accumulate a fund that will help you make your dreams true.
Supplement your pension:
Ensure a guaranteed supplement to your pension through payments of even small amounts, out of your surplus. You are not going to miss them now, but they will ensure a decent living after retirement.
Do I have to deposit a specific amount? Is there a minimum payment?
Of course not! You can pay any amount you want, whenever you want.
Has the Cooperative Bank of Epirus set specific rules on payment methods?
No! You can freely decide the method every year, in lump-sum or in installments, increasing your investment - insurance account in your own, unique rate and in accordance with your abilities and future plans.
Can I add additional covers?
Yes! The Cooperative Bank of Epirus has ensured that you have the option to add, at a minimal additional charge, all supplementary Health and Accident covers.
Are the deposited funds guaranteed?
Yes! The Cooperative Bank of Epirus cooperates with the Cooperative Insurance Company which insures your savings, as well as with the large insurance organizations - shareholders thereof, UNIPOL, MACIF, P&V and EURESA.
Plan 2: "Group Life"
The Cooperative Bank of Epirus offers, through its extensive network across Epirus, the most modern, quality and comprehensive insurance programs for all insurance sectors.
It insures all professionals, associates and customers under the most preferential packages.
Insure your life or your pension and secure the enjoyment of the benefits you have selected!
The group policies issued by the Life sector are divided in two basic categories:
- Group Life Insurance Policies (protection)
- Group Savings or Pension Insurance Policies
Plan 3: "Individual Life"
The Cooperative Bank of Epirus offers, through its extensive network across Epirus, the most modern, quality and comprehensive insurance programs for all insurance sectors.
We offer you plans that insure, above all, your life, with “packages” tailored to your preferences and needs. Both basic and supplementary covers are at the core and essence of our individual life policies.
At Epirus Bank you can enjoy peace of mind.