Bank Members – Articles of Association
Our local Bank!
Legal entities under public or private law, as well as natural persons may become members of the Bank upon a written application, which is approved by the BoD and confirmed by the immediately following General Meeting, in accordance with the Articles of Association.

The General Meeting of the Bank is its supreme body and its operation is regulated by the provisions of the relevant articles of the Articles of Association, as in force at each time. As the supreme body of the Cooperative Bank of Epirus, the General Meeting decides on all matters falling within its competences, as they are determined in the Articles of Association of the Bank at each time.
All members with voting rights may participate in the General Meeting, either in person or by lawful proxy.
The Articles of Association of the Bank describe in detail the manner in which ordinary and/or extraordinary General Meetings and elections take place.
For the purposes of preparation of a list of candidates to be elected as executive members of the BoD, the Nomination Committee has been established, composed in accordance with the a decision of the General Meeting of the Bank.